
Nature Adventure

He Fills My Life With Good Things

Psalms 103:5

The “bigs” are with their mom and dad this weekend.  That means little man quality time (and mom and dad).  Creg has been on nights and working weekends.  An evening with just the 3 of us has been few and far between.  We took full advantage of the great weather and had a wonderful night!  YAY!

Creg grilled filet mignon (I’m spoiled).  We installed a new bike seat on my bicycle for Dax.  If you saw this image on my Instagram …… great idea….not functional, but that helmet…It’s a keeper for sure!!!!  We took a ride down the bike trail to meet our friends for a quick photo session.  After our quick photo shoot, we continued up the bike trail for a treat!  We spend WAY too much time at our local FroYo joint.  At least this time, we worked it off on the ride to and back home (or at least some of it).  I always justify my FroYo treat by saying “I’m getting my calcium and probiotic quota for the day”.

The bike trail is full of deer and rabbits!  They are really accustomed to people being around and are NOT shy.  Dax caught a glimpse and got curious.  I’m so glad we had our cameras with us from our photo session.  We stood back and watched as he made his way to the deer.  No fear.  He was on a mission.  Daddy got a little fearful that momma would think Dax was dangerous.  She got close….REAL CLOSE (protecting her fawn, I’m sure) and then decided they should frolic away!  So fun!  Dax was in awe!  He was a little sad to see them go, too.  He wanted them to be his friends.

As I stood back photographed and took it all in, I was reminded again how blessed I am.  I have an amazing husband.  He works crazy hours and goes on little to no sleep, at times, so that he doesn’t miss out on speeding time with us.  He’s a wonderful father and step father.  We have incredible children.  They take my anxiety to a whole new level, but I wouldn’t trade this mom/stepmom thing for anything!

God is good!  He fills my life with good things…Psalms 103:5

deer nature boy

2016-07-09_0002 deer nature boy dad son protecting fawn doe 2016-07-09_0004

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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