
Puddles | Joules Wellies 

Splash those Puddles

My last post was about dancing in the rain (literally and figuratively).  Let’s be honest for a minute, life is full of rain and puddles.  If you are lucky enough to actually have a completely dry and sunny life, you are either a)not being honest or b)not really “living”.

Some puddles are deeper than others.  They splash harder.  They make a bigger mess.  I figure we have two choices.  We can let those puddles and messes pull us down OR we can pull up our boots (Dax is wearing these) and splash those puddles dry!

puddles rain joules welly splash

Tell those puddles whose boss!

splash puddles rain joules welly

Get a little messy!

splash puddles rain joules welly

Walk away from them knowing that you made it through.  You may have gotten wet.  You may have gotten a little messy.  You may not have liked it, BUT….you made it through the other side and can look back on your accomplishments smiling!  You’re stronger!  You learned!  You grew!  And if you allowed yourself, you may have (depending on the situation) actually had some fun!

puddles rain splash joules welly


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Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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  1. Janet Myers
    October 14, 2016 / 5:49 PM

    Your post sent me to Joules and I ordered 2 pairs socks & striped rain boots.? Live Dax’s boots!!

    • October 14, 2016 / 5:59 PM

      That’s awesome!!!!! They have the best rain boots!!