

There’s lots to be thankful for this season!  I have amazing children (lots of them), a husband hat loves me and puts up with me (that’s a pretty big task), my parents are still healthy and going strong, our needs are met (and even some of our wants),  my heart is full!

Here’s a peek at our Thanksgiving, or as I like to call it, “eat all the potatoes day”. Can we say carb overload!!!!  Yummmmm-O

One of us said it was too cold for an after feast walk….
Thanksgiving can be tough for a blended family. Lots of places to go and people to see.  Some families do the every other year switch for holidays. We don’t have anything set in stone. The goal is to work with everyone with a little bit of give and take. Sometimes Often, it’s  easier said than done.  I keep praying for peace between all of our families.

Speaking of prayer!  

Creg and I recently started a book series. I love it!  A great way to start my day by praying for my husband and our marriage. We will be starting it again on December 1 and I’ll be doing a daily post on instagram. They are on sale right now and would make a great gift for Christmas. Know someone recently engaged???  There’s a series for them, too!  And for the rest of today you can use the code cybermonday2016 for an additional 20%off 

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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