**DISCLOSURE: The opinions provided are my personal and honest opinion. I received the Ava Bracelet in exchange for this review.

What is the Ava Bracelet?
The Ava Bracelet is a personal monitoring device that tracks 5 physiological signals during a woman’s cycle. It provides information about fertility, general health, and even pregnancy in a non-invasive and convenient way.
After I miscarried in February of this year, I started looking at alternative ways to monitor my cycles. I had been working with a hormone specialist, for about a year, to get my adenomyosis under control and it was getting extremely costly (and time consuming). I was going in for numerous ultrasounds each month and taking hormone supplements (sometimes with injections) just to manage the symptoms of my condition and try to put off a hysterectomy as long as possible. I just wasn’t mentally ready and we wouldn’t have this sweet princess on the way!
I stumbled across the Ava and thought it was worth a shot if it could help even give me a little extra insight into my crazy cycles. I like details….I’m kinda analytical and ask a lot of questions and do a lot of research to make sure I have all the information.
Here’s my honest review of the month I wore it before getting pregnant. The pros, cons, and my overall thoughts on it!
The Pros
- I love the detailed information it provides. All of these factors change during your cycle and can provide great insight into what’s going on with your body. Read the details on the Ava sight here.
- Skin Temperature
- Resting Pulse Rate
- Breathing Rate
- Heart Rate Variability Ratio (how stressed you are)
- Perfusion
- Sleep/Movement
- Worn only at night and charges during the day.
- easy to put on when you climb into bed and then sync with your phone as soon as you wake.
- Information syncs to your phone and gives a visual graph to see your patterns.
- For those trying to get pregnant, there is an option to purchase with a 1 year guarantee!
- This does not have to be used for those trying to conceive. It’s a great tool for those that just want more insight into their cycle!
- Can be worn throughout pregnancy, too….just switch it to pregnancy mode!
- It’s a bit of an investment, but so are all of the smart watches we wear and this gives more info those provide.
- It take at least a full month of wearing it to really provide accurate cycle details. The individual details (temp, breathing, etc) will all be accurate, but the app can’t provide accurate start date/ovulation/etc.. until it has monitored a month of data.
- Replacement bands are not available. If your band breaks, you have to purchase a new Ava or wear it under a wrist sweat band at night. (I know from experience due to our lovely new puppy). The wrist sweat band option is hot and itchy, but it keeps you from having to buy a new Ava.
Overall Thoughts
I ended up pregnant the first month of using Ava. I can honestly tell you that it wasn’t Ava that got me pregnant. I 100% agree that Ava needs a month worth of data to provide accurate ovulation details. I know based upon my due date (and other factors) that I did not conceive when my Ava said I was ovulating. I wish I could give you all another months worth of use review to see if it would have synced up with my cycle.
I have really loved seeing my personalized details. I’ve continued to track my data throughout pregnancy and find the sleep and HRV (stress) very interesting. I also get weekly baby development updates and can track my weight gain to make sure I’m within a good range.
There is a 30 day return window, so if you get it and decide it’s not for you, you can return it. Also, that 1 year guarantee of pregnancy option is pretty cool!
Coupon Code
If you’d like to try it out, I have a coupon code to save you $20!! Just use PIERSONBLOG at checkout