Father, Lead Me!

I love this image! Little ones are so innocent. They want our constant guidance. They ask for us to show them the way. They NEED us! They TRUST us! Why, as we get older, do we forget that we are always children and we have a Father that WANTS to be there for us? HE wants us to call on him….always!
This past Sunday, we sang one of my favorite worship songs……music lover’s problem…..I have a lot of favorite worship songs. This one in particular seems to always be sung at church right when I need it. I think a lot of church stuff works that way……sermon message, scripture readings, worship songs, people you see and talk to. Obviously, things are planned well ahead of time; so it’s probably just coincidence……or maybe life is messy and we need Jesus……all the time!
By faith this mountain shall be moved
And the power of the gospel shall prevail
For we know in Christ all things are possible
For all who call upon His name
We’ll walk by faith and not by sight.
I’ve sung this song many times. I like it. I’ve always taken it as a reminder to walk by faith, not by sight. This time, it brought me to tears……For we know in Christ all things are possible. I needed to hear that. I needed to sing that. That line was for me! It goes on….for all who call upon his name. Oh yeah! He’s there for me! ALWAYS! He’s waiting for me to call on Him!
Have Faith
So, back to the beginning of the post….. My son doesn’t question his daddy. He trusts him to show him the way. He knows that daddy loves him and will always be there for him. He’s safe with daddy. Daddy’s hands will never drop him.
It hit me pretty hard while editing these images. I might have been extra feely because these boys are mine……look at that little face!! He loves his daddy and daddy loves him. These images weren’t posed. I just happened to have my camera along while they were playing. They didn’t even know I was snapping until much later. This is just true unconditional love between father and child……. Think about that! Where else is there unconditional love for us?????
More Like him
Sure, I want to be more like Him, but I really want to be more like him. More like my son with his daddy. I want to be that way with not only my daddy, but my Father. I need to fully trust in Him. He will lead me. He will guide me. He’s got my back even when I don’t see it! Sure there are times when we forget to call on Him and we lose our way or fall. He is there waiting to pick us back up.
Walk by faith, friends! He is there! He loves you….unconditionally! He will catch you! He will not let you fall! Call on his name!