
Leaving on a Jet Plane….

Don’t know when I’ll be back again…

Just kidding….sort of. We are traveling on a 9 hour flight with an extremely active and teething 16 month old boy!  They might not let us get back on the plane back ?!  I think it’s safe to say I’m slightly panicked.  Maybe he will be amazing and they’ll ask him to be the next United Airlines baby model. 

So what’s in my bag??

A LOT!!   We managed to only check one bag and the rest in carry on!  We are jam packed!

Here’s a breakdown:

  • The obvious…..clothes.  We are having professional pictures taken and doing a couple events. Mainly…swimwear!!!
  • Baby stuff….diapers, wipes, double the amount of clothes, swim diapers, snacks, a few toys. 
  • Camera gear!!!!!
  • Essentials oils!!!!  And LOTS of them. TSA hates me!

They aren’t all even pictured!!!  I’ll highlight:

  1. STRESS AWAY: because anxiety overload. I’m planning to bathe in it!
  2. LAVADERM:  someone is going to get sunburned and I’m prepared.
  3. TENDER TUSH: Sure, it’s made for sore baby booties. We don’t care. I slather that stuff in all skin problems!  Amazing stuff!!!
  4. DEEP RELIEF:  because 9 hours on a plane is guaranteed to bring on stiff muscles 
  5. A hodgepodge of my own concoctions or everything from immune support, tummy issues, no motion sickness. 

I’ll be updating some via instagram and snapchat if you’d like to follow along.  


Dax made his first plane flight and did okay. He got a bit restless and it was only an hour and a half!!!!!  Send some prayers for the long flight.  Hope I have enough stressaway!! Andrew may not sleep tonight! He’s so excited!!!  I’ve got some sleepy oils to help!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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