Nordstrom SALE!

I’m pretty sure this is on of THE BEST sales out there! The sale actually doesn’t start until July 22, BUT if you are a Nordstrom Card holder (credit or debit) you can access the sale early before things sell out! Even if you aren’t a cardholder, you can get a sneak peak at the sale, create a wish-list and decide if you want to wait it out until 7/22 and risk missing out OR sign up and get your back to school shopping started!
Daxton’s Top Picks
I have a love/hate relationship with baby boy clothes. Part of me wants to keep him a baby forever. That means wearing the super cute little rompers/onesies/baby baby stuff. The other part of me thinks baby boys are so cute in “big boy” clothes. I decided to pick “boy” clothes this time. My little man is growing up!
Andrew’s Top Picks
Getting my oldest to pick out anything other than athletic clothes in impossible. Not kidding! He has 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of khaki shorts in his closet for church or when I make him dress up. He has a pair of black pants for band concerts. Other than that, he’s in athletic clothes every day. I’m so glad I have little man that still lets me dress him “cute”.
Here are Andrew’s picks. I can’t believe I actually got him to sit down and look at the computer to pick! I originally asked him to pick one athletic outfit and one “nice” outfit. Well, I’m just glad I got one outfit (including shoes) out of him! =
Stay tuned this week for more back to school picks from the girls and ME…..Morgan and I may do a shoe only pick……She really is my little mini when it comes to style….okay, maybe she’s my mini in everything.