Extending the Time Between Washes
Is the dryness of winter messing with your hair? It is mine! In the past, winter hasn’t bothered my hair because I had a more oily scalp. Since I’ve trained my hair/scalp over the past year or so to go up to 7 days between washes, I have noticed a decent amount of dryness this year. I thought I’d share some of my tips for extending the time between washes and adding some moisture back into your locks! Winter is a great time to start extending your washes. Your hair is naturally less oily in the winter!

Tip 1 – Just don’t wash!
I know it’s SO hard. It feels greasy and gunky and you just need to wash….DON’T!! This is how you start training your scalp to produce less oils. Here’s what I want you to do. Brush your scalp (see step 2) and distribute those oils through your hair. Your hair needs these oils. Then, throw a hat on and forget about it!
Tip 2 – Brush Your Scalp
What? Are you thoroughly confused? I want you to take your brush and rub it back and forth in your scalp before you run it through your hair. This takes those scalp oils and distributes them through your hair. Don’t waste those oils!
Tip 3 – Pre Wash/Post Wash Conditioner
If your hair (not your scalp) is extra dry, lots of frizz an static, start with conditioner NOT shampoo! Apply a conditioner to the hair (not the scalp) and let it sit a few minutes. Don’t rinse!!! It acts as a protectant to the first shampoo wash (See tip 4). After wash 2, condition as you normally would, avoiding the scalp. Just condition the hair!
Tip 4 – Double Wash
I know this is a hard concept to embrace, but let me explain….. That first wash gets the product out (not just the preconditioned). Any styling products you have used over the past few days needs to come out. Wash 2, is to wash your scalp after you’ve removed the product build up. Wash 2 doesn’t really wash the hair, it’s for the scalp. Really massage your scalp with your fingertips and work that shampoo in there.
Tip 5 – Dry Shampoo
This will help during the transition phase to lengthen the time between washes. As you are able to extend, you’ll use this less often and more for touch ups. Dry shampoo needs time to absorb the oils so apply it at night to the roots and let it “marinate” while you sleep!
Some Products That I Love
There are a lot of great options out there. I actually like to mix it up. My hair does better when I change my products up periodically. I was recently sent a few products to try from Derma-E. I love their skin care line and the hair line is just as great! They have some great new products out specifically for the scalp which are fabulous! My favorite thing is that all of their products are free of harsh ingredients and are safe for me and my hair!