The virus I didn’t know existed until I had kids!
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About 9 years ago, we started our battle with Molluscum. I didn’t know that’s what it was at the time. I noticed small raised bumps appearing on my then 7 year old son. They didn’t bother him too much, they just itched on occasion and they looked strange. They weren’t going away, though. I made an appointment with our pediatrician to have them looked at and that’s where they educated me on Molluscum.
Our pediatrician was very open with us about this virus. Basically, it just has to run it’s course. Luckily other than annoying bumps on the skin, we really didn’t have any other symptoms. The bad news was it could take a LONG time to run it’s course. My son must have had a pretty significant, but mild case because he fought it for a few years off and on! We tried a few “home remedies”, but nothing seemed to work other than just time and patience.
The other thing we were warned is that is highly contagious and to be prepared for it to run it’s course through all the children….only 2 others at the time. I’m not sure if I should consider us lucky or unlucky, but it basically went through 1 child at a time.
My youngest daughter at the time was the next to catch it. She had a little more of a struggle with the bumps. We did reach out to a dermatologist when she ended up with a few bumps around her eyes. The dermatologist did give us a cream to try, but it was still a lot of time and patience. It was probably a year or more of fighting it off with her, too.
After it went through the first 2, I honestly thought we were over it, but my middle daughter eventually came down with an extremely mild case that lasted a very short time. I would say only about a month.
We added 2 more kiddos to the mix and so far, only 1 one them has shown any symptoms and they have been extremely mild. We are fortunate to not have bad cases or severe symptoms. I will say, I’m glad we reached out to medical professionals early and knew when it was time to intervene. When those bumps appeared around the eyes for my daughter, I knew we couldn’t just “watch and wait”.
I’ve learned as I’ve become a more experienced mom, that most new moms are a lot like I was….completely clueless that this virus even existed. I’ve seen so many posts on social media asking “what is this?”. I’ve also found that there are many seasoned moms like me that have dealt with it and can help put those new mom nerves to rest. You find that it’s actually super common and other than a nuisance, really not too much of an issue.
If you’d like to learn more about Molluscum, you can read more here.
**This content is not medical advice**