lunch with my littlest love during a field trip with Sis!
I had a birthday a few days ago……I turned 29……again…….
I watch my children every year look forward to their birthday……getting older, earning more freedoms, gaining more responsibility, hitting new milestones. They look forward to their birthday every year….maybe it has a little to do with the presents we shower them with. As a mom, it’s bittersweet. I will never get that age back with them. They are growing and changing. I love it….I hate it! I get to see them grow and develop! I want that, but I want my babies to stay squishy forever! I miss those snuggles, the cute voices, the silliness, the lack of attitude……
Back to adult birthdays…..When do we as adults stop looking forward to getting OLD?!? Maybe someday I’ll embrace my age, but for now……I’m 29 FOR LIFE!
My husband was disappointed that I wouldn’t allow him to purchase an expensive present for me. I would NOT have been happy with that. First, I don’t want to think about the fact that I’m no longer early 30’s, but MID30’s. Second, I don’t need anything!!! Lastly, birthday? Who has time for a birthday? It’s dance recital week, the first week of softball and baseball games, we still have lacrosse practice, and….and…and…..just keep swimming!

Dancing kiddos…..and my number 1 dance mom!
I’ve actually had a GREAT birthday week! I’ve spent it with family and friends. We’ve celebrated a softball and baseball game WIN (there was also a baseball loss, but my boy played great!). I spent a day with my daughter on a field trip. We’ve had a stellar dance recital! I’ve laughed with the dance moms! I’ve watched my children flourish on the stage (the place I’m happiest)! My husband decorated our front porch with hanging floral baskets! I’ve eaten way too much junk food (most importantly Reeces).
The best birthday presents aren’t bought…..It’s time with those I love….. Until I hit the big Four-Zero….Hope the hubs is saving his pennies…..that birthday may deserve some serious spoiling. =)