
2 Down…Forever to Go

Valentine’s, Shmalentine’s

Yesterday, we some people celebrated, in my opinion, the dumbest holiday on the calendar.  Call me boring and unromantic if you want.  I don’t see it that way at all.  To me, if you need a holiday to do something “special” for me, there’s a problem.  I want Reece’s on Tuesday because you knew I had a really rough day with the kids and wanted to cheer me up.  I want flowers because we haven’t seen sunshine in a week and they were half price at the grocery store. (sidenote:  if I ever get flowers on Valentine’s Day…….we need to have a serious discussion about the value of a dollar)  I want you to hide love notes for me to find on days that end in Y……  Are you getting the idea?  Why do we need a day to show love to others?

Valentine’s Day when you’re single….Hate it!

Valentine’s Day when you’re dating…Love it! (because you try too hard to impress each other by being other than your true self)

Valentines’ Day when you’re a parent…All about the kids!

It’s so true!  Do you know what I got my husband for Valentine’s day???  NOTHING!  Not even a card.  I did think about it, but life happened….and I don’t feel bad about it…..  I did make pink heart pancakes for breakfast.  Does that count as his gift?

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Our Day

2 years ago, we got married….on Valentine’s Day!  HA!  I guess it gives us a reason to celebrate the day for a real reason…..he’d still better not buy me overpriced flowers.  So how did we spend our day of love??  Just like any other day and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Creg worked a 12 hour night shift, but managed to swing by Walmart on his way home to grab a few things.  Instead of waking me to get up and start my day; when he got home, he snuggled up and forced me to sleep an extra hour knowing I had been up most of the night with sick kiddos.  I got up, made pink heart pancakes for the kids and got 2 of them off to school.  Creg slept for a couple of hours, but was up (before he should have been) to get his hair cut.  We took the princess to the doctor (strep positive…boo), the others returned from school, and Creg was off to work for another 12 hour night shift.  We didn’t exchange gifts, we didn’t do dinner, we didn’t make surprise gestures….and that’s perfectly fine with me!

Without even knowing it, Creg gave me one of the best gifts…..TIME!  He gave of himself.  He sacrificed sleep to take his stepdaughter to the doctor.  He puts our needs above his on a daily basis.  He works 12 hour shifts, sometimes at night, to provide for his family.  He works overtime when needed.  He works hard so that I can be home to raise our family.  He leaves random notes in my car.  He sends me an I love you text just because.  He listens to me when I go on and on and on and on……. when I’m sure he would much rather just tell me to shut it.  I don’t need or want frivolous gifts.  He gives me the best gift every day….Himself!

2 years down and forever to go!  I’d be lying if I said it’s been daisies.  It’s been a lot more like roses….beautiful and sweet with a a few thorns along the way.  That’s life….That’s marriage….That’s a blended family…. That’s REAL!  I love you, Babe.  I choose you today, yesterday, and everyday of my life.

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Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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1 Comment

  1. February 15, 2017 / 9:16 AM

    Yes to all this. I so feel you. We did end up doing a few things for each other, but eh to the holiday as a whole. We do it for the kids, but we’re good at showing love in a million other ways every day of the year so Valentine’s is just expensive and too crowded. I’ll pass. Sorry about your sick kiddos I hope they feel better fast!