
Blog-tember Challenge Day 2: 5 Things That Bring JOY

I’m back for the #blogtemberchallenge.  Yes, that says day 2……so, I’ve skipped some days, just go with it. I’m not even going to pretend that I could keep up with daily prompts! HA! Maybe someday when life is a little more smooth. I needed this prompt today! I needed to think about some joyful things! If I’m being blatantly honest with you all, life is pretty rough right now. When it rains, it pours. Figuratively speaking, right now, there’s a flash flood warning, the sump pump has crapped out, 4 inches of standing water, and no end in sight. I can’t go into the details, but if you are a praying person, we’d appreciate some prayers. I’m counting on things to dry out a bit in the next few weeks. There is a rainbow after the storm.

Joy! 5 things…..

  1. Andrew
  2. Morgan
  3. Julianne
  4. Daxton
  5. Creg

Done!  That was easy!!  I think that was too easy…..Let’s try again

Joy #1 My Little Loves

Who knew that germy, sticky, loud, crabby, whiney, obnoxious, stinky, moody, little people could be absolutely AMAZING?!?!?!  I had no idea the kind of joy that would fill my heart when these tiny humans arrived.  Sure, at times, they can be the most annoying and/or disrespectful creatures on the planet, but the good outweighs the yuck.

  • Andrew can be the most affectionate, loving, caring, helpful boy.  He’s going to make a pretty awesome husband one of these days (when he’s 30)……he’s a sweetheart!
  • Morgan is helpful and motivated.  I love watching her excel at whatever she puts her heart into at the moment.  Give her a challenge and she will NOT fail!  Softball and dance are her current focus….and school!
  • Julianne is, well, Julianne.  She’s spunky and fun and full of life!  Oh, how I wish some of her free spirit would wear off on me.
  • Daxton………Oh, Dax!  I don’t even know where to start with him.  #ddouplep is our beauty from the broken, our blessing in disguise.  That smile!  Those eyes!  His laugh!  He’s Trouble (yes, a capital T).  I think he may be the definition of Joy!

Of course, they each bring me joy individually, but I thin the greatest joy is seeing them together (not fighting).  I hope the bonds that they have never fade!  They are the best!   All of them around around the breakfast table this morning was a GREAT way to start my day!

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I should probably generalize more and just say FAMILY!  I think my greatest joys come from just being together as a family.  Watching the kids in their sports and concerts.  Taking family vacations.  Outings to the zoo or mini golf or FroYo (more on that next).  The joy of family is THE BEST!

Joy #2 Ice Cream

It’s true….Ice cream brings me joy!  If it doesn’t bring you joy, stop reading, go find a new blog to follow….we can no longer be friends.  I love our local FroYo joint.  Frozen yogurt is “good” for me…..live active cultures, low fat, YOGURT!  Halo Top is a new favorite.  I discovered it on the Ibotta App.  If you haven’t tried this app out yet…Do it!!  I’ve earned over $300 CASH in a year!  Now that’s some JOY!!!  Back to ice cream….It’s protein ice cream.  I can eat the entire container for 240 calories and get 24g of protein!!!!  YUMMMMMM!!

Joy #3  Music

I probably should have put this for #2……seems silly to put food so high on the list…… It’s a toss up.   Anyway, music makes my world go around.  Music can make me smile and make me cry.  It can make or break a workout.  It can help me reflect.  Oh and Christmas music…..I’m for it all year long!  Music is my happy and safe place.

Joy #4 Organization

This one is slacking in some departments….there are at least 3 big kids here on a regular basis, a baby, 2 dogs, and 2 adults.  Some areas I’ve quit trying.  It’s just not my season to have an organized/clean house.  I love when I organize the pantry…..it looks so nice…….for 2 minutes!  Kid rooms are hopeless right now.  At one point I attempted to organize toys…..I resorted to one big bin!   I have piles of school projects/pictures/save stuff to organize and put away.  I pick and choose my battles.  Some day I’ll get it all together.  Until then, my calendar is color coded by children/adults/work/etc.  A colorful calendar makes me SO happy.  Closets are color coordinated and even in graduated colors….I’m weird.  It’s okay!

Joy #5 Apple

You all can have your pumpkin spice everything….Blah….. Apple, apple, apple for me!  Apple scents, apple cider, apple orchards, apple crisp, apple decor, caramel apples…….  Apples probably aren’t really a top 5 Joy, but since the whole world is all “pumpkin spice”, it’s on the brain.  My #5 really should be my Young Living Oils!!!  LOVE LOVE LOVE  and they really do bring  me joy.

Here are some diffuser recipes for all you pumpkin people!  I’ll stick with the spiced cider!  Seriously, though……ditch the candles (they’re bad news)

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Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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