Well, if you read my Mother’s Day post, you know how I feel about certain holidays…..But I probably don’t know I don’t show these men enough appreciation on a daily basis….Maybe it’s a good holiday to keep around (at least for me). Funny thing is, for being the emotional/full of feelings person I am, letting someone know what they mean to me is REALLY hard! I’ll keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Maybe next Father’s Day I can dig deep.
My Daddy

Happy Father’s Day
A man of very few words (one quality he did not pass on to me, except when it comes to expressing our feelings). He’s a coach, that makes him a fighter and a winner! After last father’s day, not knowing if there would be another with him, I am singing extra praises that he is here and HEALTHY!!! It wasn’t easy, but he fought hard and WON! He’s taught me a lot! I may not have appreciated all of his “coaching” as a kid, but I can honestly look back and thank him for taking advantage of all the teachable moments in life. I would’t be where I am today and know the things I know without those little, and not so little, teachable moments. He’s always been my biggest fan, even when I didn’t realize it (and it took me years to realize that). I’m so blessed to call this man Daddy and my kids are even more blessed to call him Papa. I may not say it or show it enough, but I love you! Happy Father’s Day!
My Husband

His, Mine, Ours
WOW! He’s not just a dad, but a stepdad bonus dad, too! It takes a special man to do both of those rolls well. It’s not an easy job and he does it with ease! The way he loves/fathers our children is one of the things I love most about him! These kids are so blessed to have him in their lives! I’m super thankful to have him to do this parenting thing with…..I need all the help I can get! This mom does NOT do vomit or plunge toilets…..or spiders. He does it all without question….. If that doesn’t show you what an awesome dad he is, I don’t know what is! Happy Father’s Day! We love you Dad, Daddy, Creggy, Creg!
The man that made me “Mom”
(3 Times)

My 3 Bigs
I can’t let Father’s Day go by without wishing these three gorgeous kids’ dad a very happy Father’s Day! We may have gone our separate ways, but I wouldn’t have these 3 amazing blessings without him! I wouldn’t trade them for anything! Thanks for being their dad! You are appreciated, cared about and they love you very much!