What is the #feedabee campaign? #feedabee was established to bring awareness to the need for pollinator forage in our communities. Honey bees need a variety of food, just like us. They gather pollen and nectar as food sources from flowers. One of the challenges bees face is finding enough food! That’s where we come into help!!
We can help, on the small scale, by planting pollinator attractant plant in our yards! On the bigger scale, apply for a grant or establish a minimum 1 acre plot of forage!
Honey bees help pollinate our fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Without them, our delicious food won’t be available. Think about a summer without fresh picked strawberries, peaches, or sweet corn!!! That would be awful!

St. Louis Zoo
This past Saturday, the St. Louis Zoo in partnership with Bayer brought a wonderful educational experience to zoo goers! We were able to pot flowers to take home and plant in our own yards. We got to see a few hives and learn from the professionals about how the queen, drones, and worker bees work together. We walked through the Bayer Insectarium and saw a lot of interesting creatures. We finished up our bee portion by exploring some of the native plants in the wildflower garden and watching the bees in their natural habitat! They want the flowers, not you!
Of course, we couldn’t visit the zoo and not see some of the other amazing thing our zoo has to offer! What a wonderful morning together as a family (well, some of us were too excited to sleep in after the first week back to school). We made the most of it with 2 of the children. Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy time with just one or two!