When my wife came to me a few months ago to discuss starting a blog, I thought, “Just what you need, one more thing to focus on.” Then, as time went on, and I began to build and set it up for her, I could see a mixture of excitement and nervousness building from within her. She worried about being real, too real, or not real enough. She worried that maybe we are just too boring of people. To which I reminded her, we have a combined 7 children and that nothing is ever boring in our house. So with this, she began her journey of telling our stories, our lives, and our emotions through the attitude of With a Wink and a Smile. Then one day and she looked at me and said, “Hey! I want you to blog some.” So here it goes, with my first blog…
Reflections of My Two Fathers on Father’s Day
If anyone that knows me is reading this post, they are very confused They will say you only had one dad. Your mom and dad were only married to each for their entire lives until their early passing. Yes, you are very correct they were and I had only one dad, but I have two Fathers.(more on that later)
Father’s Day, the only day that fathers matter in life???? Well, of course not. And it’s kinda strange that like with Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, we feel the need to publicly do something we should do every day for those special people in our lives. Growing up, I guess, I somewhat took Father’s Day for granted. Dad was always there for me and was always my biggest cheerleader, friend, and mentor. My dad knew I loved him. He also knew while I was in HS and early college that I thought he was out of touch with things; but none the less, he knew I loved him and I was very proud to call him Dad.

My Dad
Then, at the young age of 19, Father’s Day took on a whole knew meaning for me. My oldest son was born. Life changed in an instant. I was suddenly the Father and had a whole knew set of responsibilities and values that I needed to teach and hold up. I was young and unprepared, but my dad had modeled a Father’s love that, at the time, I didn’t so much see or understand, but that would be much clearer as I got older.

Andrew and a very young Me
Over the next 10 years, 2 more times I became a Dad. These times I was blessed with daughters…and what amazing girls they are! Raising girls is much different from raising boys…dance, bows, bikinis and lots of emotions. Things just that you don’t often have with boys. Once again, my dad was there with me. This time, though, instead of modeling how to be a dad to girls, he learned with me. See, I only have a brother and my dad only raised boys….and we were boy boys. So as a PaPa, he got to learn and see how to help raise girls.

Lillie and Reed
Fast forward a few years….I got the chance to become a step dad. Or, as we like to refer to “steps” in this house, a bonus dad. Becoming a bonus dad is an amazing thing. I love those kids! They are not my biological kids. I will never be Dad to them, nor should I, but I get to help raise, enjoy, love, and help mold their impressionable lives as they grow. My Dad never got to meet them. They would have loved him! My dad was and is an amazing man who lives on for eternity in our hearts, stories, and lives here and in Heaven.

Julianne, Andrew, Morgan
Fast forward once again. Last year, I became a Father, again! My little man was born and what a blessing he has been in Elizabeth’s and my life. He too, will never get to meet his Grandfather, but I can promise that through the stories of my kids and from myself that he will learn and hear all about him through the memories we share.

Daxton Paul
Okay, so as I said earlier, this is about Reflections of My Two Fathers on Father’s Day; and yet, I have not mentioned anything about a second dad. Well, that’s because I only had one Dad. I have two Fathers. The most important thing (let’s be real, as I sit here with tears in my eyes)…. The most important thing my daddy ever taught me was the love and grace of my Heavenly Father. Without this love and grace this whole thing called life would not be worth anything. He modeled to me what a man of God should and could be like. Daddy modeled to me what a Godly husband, father, and friend should be. He didn’t teach me about religion, he taught about my Father’s love, mercy, and grace. He also taught me of His forgiveness. By no means was my daddy perfect, he left that to my Father, but he taught so many lesson of life and taught me of the importance of family, faith, forgiveness, and love.
I couldn’t wrap up this post without tipping my hat to my wife. She is am amazing women who I love so much.
In closing, I just want to share a few brief words that my daddy loved, and inspired by my Father.
1 I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him.
Psalm 40:1-3
Thank you for sharing, Creg. I enjoyed reading your first blog. Keep it up! This is an amazing truthful story.
Great story for sure..