It never gets easier when they are sick
You would think that, with as many kids as we have, we’d be used to fevers……..NOPE! I know last week’s “tough tuesday” was about a sick kiddo (and the effect on “dad time”), but I’m using it again (a little differently).
First Fever
Dax spiked his first fever last week. It hung around 100 for a couple of days. We figured his sister had graciously shared her fever with him and didn’t worry too much until……it hit 102 and kept climbing to 104.6!!! Cool baths, essential oils, Motrin/Tylenol
….nothing would bring it down!!!! Of course, it was after office hours (isn’t it always that way when you need the doc?), so we fought through the night and called in the morning.
That next morning, the temp was still high (104). We dosed him again with Motrin, and guess what????? His fever broke right before we got to the doctor (that always seems to happen, too). Guess what else???? He appeared perfectly fine!!!! Ummmm…..check his ears again? Are you sure? Dax, we just took an expensive field trip!!!! They sent us on our way (random viral bug) and said to call back if the fever was still around in two days…..
His fever didn’t go back up. It did the opposite. It kept dropping and dropping and dropping. He was COLD to the touch, clammy, and lethargic. One would have thought,the way he was acting, he had a 106 temp!
And then……..he woke up….like this!!!!!
A smile!!! A cracker!!!! Creg and I had a sappy moment….we cried tears of relief…he was okay! Our baby boy was back!
Not knowing how the night would progress, Creg had already called off work. I can’t tell you the relief I felt knowing I would have him here to help through the night. Especially since Morgan had a championship softball game to play. He really is an amazing daddy!! We are lucky!
Great night after all!
With Dax feeling better, we all headed to the game to cheer on Mo! Grammy said she would take him back home if needed. She’s pretty awesome!
Julianne got some one on one with Dax. Creg got some practice time in with Andrew! It’s nice that the cages are right next to the field!
Morgan played great! She hit and fielded well and made an awesome slide into home!

We made he best of it! It all worked out…it always does. If we could just remember that in the moment.